Neha Dewan and Sonjui Kumar... Lotus for POTUS and SOUTH ASIANS for HARRIS

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With the election upon us here in the US, these next few weeks on TRUST ME I KNOW WHAT I’m DOING , we’re sharing a series of Lotus for POTUS conversations, hearing insights from leading edge voices to help inform and get out the vote!  A few months ago, I created a meme with a photo of Vice President Harris that went “In Sanskrit, Kamala means Lotus… In America, Kamala means POTUS” and for me and many others, that sentiment sums up the imperative choice we’re making at the highest level, being thoughtful about our past, present, and future.  Now a big part of amplifying our voice for more representation in 2024 comes from engaging, educating, and mobilizing the South Asian American community to show up and frankly be heard through our vote.  And especially with our growing significance in the past several elections, South Asians for Harris has been accelerating, strategizing, coalition building, and supporting voters as a national, grassroots, and volunteer organization dedicated to securing a victory for Kamala Harris. So it was terrific to share a conversation together with Neha Dewan, co-national director for South Asians for Harris, and Sonjui Kumar, national legal director for South Asians for Harris.  Neha is an attorney with a wealth of experiences who has long been active in politics and advocacy for the South Asian community at the local and national level and Sonjui is also an attorney a former President of the South Asian Bar Association of North America and a key leader and organizer in the Georgia South Asian community. They both, along with many many other leaders,  have been tirelessly working to build and grow the effort to help voters register, combat disinformation, get resources out there in many languages, and strengthen collaboration among other voter blocs. Whether canvassing or rallying or phonebanking or cultivating relationships, the movement has been gaining support and momentum and still has much work to do. I caught up recently with Neha and Sonjui as we hit the home stretch here about the work that’s in front of all of us, but I also wanted to quickly reflect on the exciting and transformative whirlwind that the Harris campaign has already been, and asked them both when reflecting on the past few months, what words came to mind to describe it… Here’s Neha first…

Remember, conversation is the antidote to apathy. Go to for information about resources, to, and to to learn about the Harris-Walz campaign. Please get involved, get engaged, and get informed about all your local issues and candidates up and down the ballot. Till next time, I’m Abhay Dandekar.

Neha Dewan and Sonjui Kumar... Lotus for POTUS and SOUTH ASIANS for HARRIS
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