Chintan Patel...Lotus for POTUS and Indian American IMPACT
Download MP3It’s election week here in the US, so onTRUST ME I KNOW WHAT I’m DOING , we’re sharing Lotus for POTUS conversations, hearing insights from leading edge voices to help inform us and get out that vote!
A few months ago, I created a meme with a photo of Vice President Harris that went “In Sanskrit, Kamala means Lotus… In America, Kamala means POTUS” and for me and many others, that sentiment sums up the urgent choice we’re making at the highest level, being thoughtful about our past, present, and future.
A few months ago, I created a meme with a photo of Vice President Harris that went “In Sanskrit, Kamala means Lotus… In America, Kamala means POTUS” and for me and many others, that sentiment sums up the urgent choice we’re making at the highest level, being thoughtful about our past, present, and future.
Not just for our community, but for every community of voters of any age in the US, what it all comes down to is showing up and exercising the ultimate demonstration of trust and individual power in a democracy - which is casting your vote in a free and fair election.
Indian Americans and South Asian Americans are the fastest growing voter bloc in the US, having the power to be the true margin of victory in many places, and as civic engagement continues to grow and foundationally expand, the work of organizing and mobilizing and activating at local and national levels become more complex and genuinely imperative. With over 60 endorsed candidates across the country, Indian American IMPACT is doing just that - making a difference with a thoughtful and action oriented approach. And as the last push is upon all of us after such a long and incredibly grueling road, it was great to catch up with Executive Director Chintan Patel. And getting right to it after traveling to many battleground states recently, as Chintan introduced himself and his work, I also asked him to describe the tone and temperature of what he’s seeing and feeling out there in the community…
Remember, conversation is truly the antidote to apathy… Go to for information about voting resources, to,,, and to to get engaged and learn directly about the Harris-Walz campaign. Please get involved, get active, and get informed about all your local issues and candidates up and down the ballot, and most importantly GO VOTE. Till next time, I’m Abhay Dandekar.