Sanjana Modha... on writing "Sanjana's Feasts" and cooking to be free

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Chef, content creator, and author Sanjana Modha joins Abhay to talk about everything from lunchtime food, to cooking as a parent, to her go-to dessert, to writing her new book "Sanjana's Feasts", which is due out this fall 2024. 
(0:00 - 3:01) Introduction
(3:01) Part 1 - lunchtime, cooking as a parent
(11:14) Part 2 - cooking as a way to connect the dots, vegetarian cooking, local specificities
(25:28) Part 3 - making a great recipe, hospitality, single dish expression
(35:32) Conclusion
Sanjana Modha... on writing "Sanjana's Feasts" and cooking to be free
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