Saurabh Netravalkar... on USA cricket and his journey

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Abhay is joined by cricket athlete Saurabh Netravalkar, whose clutch bowler performance led Team USA to a dramatic victory over Pakistan and into the Super 8 competing against Team India in the recent Men's T20 World Cup.  They chatted about everything from his cricket journey to integrating sport with life as a software engineer to growing cricket in the US. 
(0:00 - 2:59) Introduction
(2:59) Part 1 - compartmentalizing cricket and non-cricket life, goal setting, lessons learned
(17:19) Part 2 - staying level, being a leader, an unconventional cricket journey, loyalty to team
(33:58) Part 3 - growing cricket in the US, talents and legacy
(45:34) Conclusion
Saurabh Netravalkar... on USA cricket and his journey
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