Anita Verma-Lallian...on real estate and making movies
Download MP3As always, thank you for listening to the show and for passing it along to your friends and family and for rating and kindly reviewing. It’s very much appreciated, and just like in your interest this show, it seems like much of what we seek both personally and professionally is summed up by the word “value”. We want our time, our effort, and our resources to hopefully be spent in ways that are meaningful and add value to our portfolio of life. In a way, successfully finding those opportunities to build this portfolio and its cache of value takes a pretty seasoned blend of experience, analysis, instinct, and creativity. So, for Anita Verma Lallian, this blend has actually translated to some terrific achievements in finding value, not just to reflect her business sensibilities but informed by her background and identity as well. Anita is an Indian American who grew up with an entrepreneurial spirit, and after working closely with her dad who established a thriving Arizona real estate business and inspired by her mom who was a practicing doctor, Anita launched Arizona Land Consulting as a vehicle to help businesses connect and find great value in the commercial real estate world. Now, managing a portfolio that exceeds over 1 billion dollars requires an incredible amount of curation with various partners, exceptional timing, the instinct to navigate through local policies, and being thoughtful about long-term sustainability. So, naturally Anita’s success in this arena has bled into her other passion to launch Camelback Productions, a film company that’s committed to represent the rich and diverse narratives of South Asians in cinema, and poised to launch their first film this March at South By Southwest called “Doin It”, featuring Lilly Singh. It’s also incredibly important to note how Anita’s work resonates deeply in two worlds of real estate and moviemaking that often are dominated by men, so an Indian American woman helping to undo lots of bias and break new ground (very much pun intended on that one) is both refreshing and desperately needed. We met up for coffee last year and recently had a chance to catch up and share a conversation about it all. Now usually when I hear real estate and movie making success in the same sentence, there’s mainly one descriptive word that comes to mind and so I wanted to know if she thinks of herself as a “mogul?"