KRATEX...on Marathi House Music
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Much to my family’s behest, I love mixing things and finding oddball combinations. Some of them are scoffed at, like putting shrikhand on a bagel or wearing chapals with a jacket and tie. But sometimes, the blends can be surprisingly good and result in magic and no matter what, when the combo is making me happy, that’s in the end all that really matters. So when I first heard a music track made by Krunal Ghorpade, who is also known as KRATEX, a DJ and producer who started serendipitously mixing house and electronic dance music with Marathi music, it definitely spoke to me in many ways. KRATEX is from Mumbai, and while he’s been a producer for several years, blending all kinds of Marathi music with techno-house and dance beats has helped him create a new genre called M-House. Whether it’s an old Marathi chitrapat playback or natyageet song or a pop song song from the 80’s or the sound of the Tutaari or lejhim, mixing sounds of Marathi culture with house and dance tracks has brought a nostalgia for those who know and a rebirth for those who are first making a discovery. In the end, it’s making Krunal and his audiences happy and energized, and so we had a chance to catch up and chat about the many dimensions of his music and background, but as I have to admit that I had a momentary doubletake when I first heard his music, I started by asking Krunal what his biggest surprises have been in this artistic journey…