My name is Abhay Dandekar and I share conversations with talented and interesting individuals linked to the global Indian and South Asian community. It’s informal and informative, adding insights and perspective to our evolving cultural expressions, where each person can proudly say “TRUST ME I KNOW WHAT I’m DOING.” New episodes weekly, on Tuesdays/Thursdays. Listen anywhere you get your podcasts, and please rate and review if your enjoying it!

Latest Episodes

Subah and Harshvardhan Saraf... on Satvic Movement and Satvic Revolution

Abhay is joined by Subah and Harshvardhan Saraf, the founders of Satvic Movement and authors of the book "The Satvic Revolution". They chatted about their ongoing jour...

Anurima Bhargava... Lotus for POTUS with dignity and justice for all!

With the election upon us here in the US, these next few weeks on TRUST ME I KNOW WHAT I’m DOING , we’re sharing a series of Lotus for POTUS conversations, hearing ins...

Neha Dewan and Sonjui Kumar... Lotus for POTUS and SOUTH ASIANS for HARRIS

With the election upon us here in the US, these next few weeks on TRUST ME I KNOW WHAT I’m DOING , we’re sharing a series of Lotus for POTUS conversations, hearing ins...

Neera Tanden... Lotus for POTUS and Election 2024

With the election upon us here in the US, these next few weeks on TRUST ME I KNOW WHAT I’m DOING , we’re sharing a series of Lotus for POTUS conversations, hearing ins...

Gautam Mukunda... on "Picking Presidents" and leadership

Abhay is joined by professor, advisor, and author, Gautam Mukunda.He is the author of Indispensable: When Leaders Really Matter and Picking Presidents: How to Make the...

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